Beauty Bridal Prep

Beauty Bridal Prep

Beauty Bridal Prep. Mobile Image

So you’ve got your dress sorted, made the decision on what food you’ll serve on the day and the hen party preparations are well under way. But have you stopped to consider how YOU are going to prepare for your big day? And I don’t just mean going on that wedding diet we all do and hitting the gym. I mean really taking care of you, your skin, hair, nails… the lot! 

Starting a wedding beauty regime is the perfect excuse to practise some self care in the build up to your big day, knowing that each step you take will end in you feeling and looking fabulous!

There’e no getting away from the fact that there is no quick fix, you’ll need to commit, but it WILL be worth it, ideally start prepping about 6 months before your wedding day.

Here’s some tips we used ourselves and learnt along the way to give you, our beautiful brides a headstart.


  • Invest time into your skincare routine. 

A month before the wedding isn’t the time to be trying out new products that may cause you to break out. Allowing 6 months to perfect this will mean you have plenty of time to throw out that serum causing your skin irritation and find a new product to replace it and give it time to begin working its magic. Great skin is the perfect base for beautiful make up, so ensure you have an easy to follow routine and stick to it! If you don’t already, begin having a regular facial and try to introduce key products from your treatment into your daily routine to see optimum results. Your therapist will be only too happy to give you advice on what treatments you’ll need to look your best depending on your personal skin profile. We’d receommend working back from your wedding day and book your treatments in so that you can plan your time and budget efficiently.

  • Give your hair a refresh

Everyone wants glossy, healthy hair on their wedding day, right? You’ve probably thought about who will be doing your hair on the day and how you’ll be wearing it, but get it in tip top condition beforehand to ensure it looks it’s best. Book yourself a colour and cut refresh roughly 3 weeks before the day, you’ll thank yourself when you look back at those wedding photos in years to come. At home conditioning hair treatments are also a fab way to maintain that ‘just out of the salon’ look in the weeks before the wedding. Weekly overnight hair masques for dry or damaged hair can work wonders, nourishing and repairing your hair, or try a clay mask if your hair tends to be on the oily side. Give yourself your last treatment a week before the wedding allowing a couple more washes before the big day to ensure all traces of the masque are washed away before your wedding day. 

  • Book your make-up consultation.

Whether you’re having a professional apply your makeup on the day or you’d prefer to do it yourself, think about what type of makeup look you’d like to go for and experiment prior. If you’re doing it yourself, most beauty counters in department stores will offer a tailored 1-2-1 session to discuss what colours and looks would suit you. If you don’t usually wear a red lip, your wedding isn’t the day to try it out. Make sure you’ve tried any new products that you think you might like to use a good month before your wedding just in case you have an adverse reaction and to allow your skin time to recover.

  1. Give your nails a glow up. 

Regular manicures either at home or in the salon in the 6 months before you wedding will ensure your hands and nails are at their very best on your wedding day. In the few days before your wedding, book yourself in for a manicure unless you’re really great at doing your nails! After all, other than your dress, everyone will be looking at your hands asking to see your gorgeous wedding band, you need your nails to look tip top! Opt for a more natural gel polish, so if you do happen to get any chips, it won’t be noticeable. 

By the night before your wedding all your prep will be complete and you can pour yourself a well deserved glass of fizz with your bride tribe. You know that walking down that aisle, you’re going to be looking and feeling amazing. x